E’ successo tutto nel secondo tempo: il Milan trova il vantaggio con Rebic , i toscani poi pareggiano grazie ad una punizione battuta magistralmente da Bajrami, ma nemmeno il tempo di esultare che i rossoneri segnano ben due gol in poco meno di 3 minuti. La chiudono Ballo Tourè e Leao.
La Gallery fotografica a cura di Giannettoni Valentina
Fans of Milan Maldini Paolo technical director Milan Frederic Massara sports director Milan Tatarusanu Anton Milan warm-up Tatarusanu Anton Milan warm-up Rebecca Corsi head of marketing Empoli Official Serie A ball 2022-2023 Fans of Milan Fabrizio Corsi president of Empoli Dario Dainelli sport menager Stefano Pioli coach Milan Stefano Pioli coach Milan Tomori Oluwafikayomi o warm up Leao Rafael Milan warm up Milan warms up Leao Rafael Milan warm up Leao Rafael Milan warm up Bakayoko Tiemoue warm up Leao Rafael Milan warm up Giroud Olivier milan warm up Giroud Olivier milan warm up Mirante Antonio Milan warm up Mirante Antonio Milan warm up Fans of Milan Tonali Alessandro Milan warm uo Bakayoko Tiemoue warm up Rebic Ante Milan warm up Fans of Milan Fabrizio Corsi president of Empoli Zanetti Paolo coach Empoli Pioli Stefano coach Milan Pioli Stefano coach Milan Tonali Alessandro Milan portrait Zanetti Paolo coach Empoli Fans of Milan Kjaer Simon Milan head shot Hass Nicolas Empoli head shot Fans of Empoli Fans of Empoli De Ketelaere Charles Milan carries the ball De Ketelaere Charles Milan carries the ball Fans of Milan Henderson Liam Empoli shot Henderson Liam Empoli shot Calabria Davide Milan portrait Pioli Stefano coach Milan Pioli Stefano coach Milan Pioli Stefano coach Milan Grassi Alberto Empoli carries the ball Grassi Alberto Empoli carries the ball Kjaer Simon Milan shot Kjaer Simon Milan shot Parisi Fabiano Empoli portrait Parisi Fabiano Empoli shot Henderson Liam Empoli portrait Henderson Liam Empoli hindered by Calabria Davide Milan Henderson Liam Empoli shot Parisi Fabiano Empoli shot Parisi Fabiano Empoli carries the ball Henderson Liam Empoli carries the ball Henderson Liam Empoli shot Lammers Sam Empoli shot Lammers Sam Empoli carries the ball Lammers Sam Empoli carries the ball Pjaca Marko Empoli shot Pjaca Marko Empoli shot Pjaca Marko Empoli shot Henderson Liam Empoli shot Aureliano Gianluca refree Tatarusanu Anton Milan shot Kjaer Simon Milan carries the ball Kjaer Simon Milan carries the ball Kjaer Simon Milan carries the ball Tatarusanu Anton Milan portrait Tonali Alessandro Milan carries the ball Luperto Sebastiano Empoli head shot Paolo Zanetti coach Empoli Paolo Zanetti coach Empoli Vicario Guglielmo Empoli shot Leao Rafael MIlan hindered by Marin Razvan Empoli Leao Rafael MIlan carries the ball De Ketelaere Charles Milan hindered by Marin Razvan Empoli Pjaca Marko Empoli shot Ballo Tourè Fode Milan portrait Ballo Tourè Fode Milan portrait Ballo Tourè Fode Milan shot De Ketelaere Charles Milan portrait De Ketelaere Charles Milan shot De Ketelaere Charles Milan hindered by Parisi Fabiano Empoli Leao Rafael MIlan portrait Leao Rafael MIlan carries the ball Leao Rafael MIlan carries the ball Leao Rafael MIlan shot Leao Rafael MIlan shot Giroud Olivier Milan shot Giroud Olivier Milan shot Leao Rafael MIlan portrait Pioli Stefano coach Milan Fans of Empoli Tonali Alessandro Milan carries the ball Tonali Alessandro Milan carries the ball Kjaer Simon Milan and Alessandro Tonali Milan portrait Kjaer Simon Milan portrait Kjaer Simon Milan portrait Ballo Tourè Fode Milan heas shpt Leao Rafael MIlan hindered by De Winter Koni Empoli Tonali Alessandro Milan portrait Tonali Alessandro Milan portrait Vicario Guglielmo Empoli portrait Krunic Rade Milan portrait Krunic Rade Milan portrait Krunic Rade Milan shot De Ketelaere Charles Milan shot Giroud Oliver Milan shot Abdelkader Diaz Brahim Milan portrait Abdelkader Diaz Brahim Milan portrait Abdelkader Diaz Brahim Milan shot Abdelkader Diaz Brahim Milan shot Abdelkader Diaz Brahim Milan hinderd by Hass Nicolas Empoli Abdelkader Diaz Brahim Milan hinderd by Hass Nicolas Empoli Abdelkader Diaz Brahim Milan hinderd by Hass Nicolas Empoli Leao Rafael MIlan shot Abdelkader Diaz Brahim Milan shot Abdelkader Diaz Brahim Milan hinderd by De Winter Koni Empoli Tomori Oluwafikayomi o Milan portrait Tomori Oluwafikayomi o Milan portrait Tomori Oluwafikayomi o Milan portrait Leao Rafael MIlan portrait Leao Rafael MIlan hindered by Hass Nicolas Empoli Rebic Ante Milan celebrates a gol 1-0 Ballo Toure Milan celebrates a gol 2-1 Rebic Ante Milan celebrates a gol 1-0 Rebic Ante Milan portrait Bajrami Nedim Empoli celebrates a gol 1-1 Ballo Toure Milan celebrates a gol 2-1 Ballo Toure Milan celebrates a gol 2-1 Leao Rafael Milan celebrates a gol 3-1 Leao Rafael Milan celebrates a gol 3-1 Milan celebrates the victory Pioli Stefano coach Milan celebrates the victory
Navigazione articoli